Teenage Suicide -- do it!! (off The Nutty Antichrist, Passive Fist Records, 1996)
In/Humanity was the best thing that happened to emo/hardcore in the second half of the 1990s. They were very all about fun, but not in the stupid Fat-Wreck-way but more in a sarcastic and very clever way that I would associate with Born Against in the first half of the 90s. I think In/Humanity were the direct successors to Born Against.
Their records were fast, loud, hard and a feast for the eye. I was lucky enough to see them live on tour with Palatka in 1998.
I picked this song because of the intro in the beginning, it always cracks me up. I'm very sure I'll post more In/Humanity in the future.

In/Humanity - Teenage Suicide -- Do It!!
Teenage Suicide -- do it!! (off The Nutty Antichrist, Passive Fist Records, 1996)
In/Humanity was the best thing that happened to emo/hardcore in the second half of the 1990s. They were very all about fun, but not in the stupid Fat-Wreck-way but more in a sarcastic and very clever way that I would associate with Born Against in the first half of the 90s. I think In/Humanity were the direct successors to Born Against.
Their records were fast, loud, hard and a feast for the eye. I was lucky enough to see them live on tour with Palatka in 1998.
I picked this song because of the intro in the beginning, it always cracks me up. I'm very sure I'll post more In/Humanity in the future.

In/Humanity - Teenage Suicide -- Do It!!