Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Ice 9

Ice 9
45 Times A Night (off their split 7" with Gadje on Ebullition, ca. 1996?)

Gimme an S, gimme a P, gimme a O........let's do that long enough until we can spell SPORADIC POSTS! And random, too. They way I decide which records I post on senfedge is by flicking through my records and stopping at something that I like at that very moment. Today, even though it's rather sunny, I stopped at this quite dark little record here. I absolutely loved the first track by Ice 9 because it just kicks in right from second 1.

No idea who they are or what happened to them, the ebullition-website can't help either because this release appears to be out of print. Och well.

Nice Kurt Vonnegut reference, too, by the way.

Ice 9 - 45 Times A Night

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Sorry for lack of posts, I've been busy with an exhibition...

Today is the day! Da könnt' ja jede/r kommen - ca. 10 Jahre D.I.Y.-Kultur in Wien is opening today! It's an exhibition on the do-it-yourself "movement" (for lack of better words) in Vienna during the past 10 years or so. You'll see flyers, fanzines, lots of photography, records and other shit from back in the day.

There'll also be live-gigs (all for free!) by A Thousand Fuegos, Paper Bird, Seven Sioux, Everton, Dimitrij and Feeding Time. Google the names or put them into myspace for samples. Also make sure to read this weeks' Falter for a feature, or listen to FM4's Homebase tonight for another item. We're blowing the backdoors off this thing!

Most importantly however, come out tonight, 7pm!

Here is all the info:
plattformquelle.org or danieleberharter.com